tikieurope.com - KON-TIKI - Moskau - Russia - Anything and everything about Tiki Bars in Europe
Type: Neo Tiki Bars Built: 2013 Address: Ul. Rozhdestvenka 5/7, bldg. 2 City: Moskau Metro: Station: Kuznetsky Most T: (+7) 495 767 87 20 www.kontiki-cafe.ru/ Russian https://www.facebook.com/bar.kontiki Open: Open: 11 am - midnight
The younger sister of the Tiki Bar (the first Hawaiian bar in
Moscow), although Kon-Tiki is more of a restaurant than a bar, it is
still definitely one of the more exotic places in Moscow. So if you
are looking for a bite to eat and a bit of fun, look no further than
Kon-Tiki and it's island grill. Guests are surrounded by typical
Hawaiian wooden carvings and an impressive aquarium that runs the
length of the wall - this is truly Hawaii in Moscow. During the
weekend the restaurant is always buzzing with the music and energy
from Caribbean and Latino themed parties. The authentic Hawaiian
style cocktails are moderately priced, so forget your worries and
enjoy the rhythm of a salsa or rumba, whilst sipping on the Aztec
Surfboard or Ginger Mango Punch, delicious!
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