tikieurope.com - Kona Kai - Athens - Greece - Anything and everything about Tiki Bars in Europe
Type: Original Tiki Bars Built: 1983 Address: 115 Syngrou Avenue, Lower Level,Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel City: 11745 Athens Buses: A2 from Panepistimiou T/F: ++30 (0)210 930 0074 / +30 (0)210 935 8603 (Hotel) marriott.com English Open:
The opening of the Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel in 1983 brought Polynesian cuisine for the first time to Athens. The splendid Kona Kai introduced its loyal clientele to the exotic flavours of far-away places with influences of Polynesian and Japanese Teppanyiai cuisine. This culinary trip doesn't come cheap, though. Konai Kai is among the more expensive restaurants of the city, but the affluent clientele doesn't seem to mind paying the price for the excellent food and the efficient service.
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