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Museum for Ethnology
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Germany / Berlin-Dahlem

Type: Museums
Address: Lansstraße 8
City: 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Metro: U-Bahn U3 (Dahlem-Dorf) / Buses: Bus X11, X83 (Dahlem-Dorf); 101 (Limonenstraße); 110 (Domäne Dahlem)
T/F: +49-(0)30-266 2987 / +49-(0)30-266 2161 german / english
Open: Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 .
Closed: Monday closed!

The museum of ethnology, Berlin-Dahlem, has probably the most exceptional department for South Seas art in the world. After its renovation it reopened on 15 June 2004. It is not only the successful arrangement that makes this exhibition so impressive for the visitor, but also the unbelievably wide range of exhibits from almost every great culture in Oceania and their different aspects. Starting with original houses where people gathered and residential houses and the unique boat-exhibition over to masks, figures, nautical maps, arms, objects for daily or cultic use to photos and contemporary works, it covers everything an art lover can imagine. Outstanding: Tahitian stone tikis, amulets from the Marquesas made of human bones, painted and decorated sculls from different ancestor worships, carved figures from Maori ships and the original Eros center from Palau. The museum additionally shows changing topical exhibitions.

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