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Le Tiki
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France / Royan

Type: Neo Tiki Bars
Address: 1 Place Foch
City: 17200 Royan
T/F: 0546063385 / 05 46 05 02 99 french

The "Le Tiki" is a typical touristy cafeteria in the near of the port basin at Royan. Royan is circa 80 km in the north of Bordeaux at the river mouth of the Gironde. It isnīt really a Tiki Bar and you canīt find anything Tiki inside, but instead there are hundred Tiki signs outside on the front. There are also some primitive concrete Tikis on the house wall and on the roof. I heard that the meal shouldnīt allegedly be good. So I only can advise it to take some pictures if you casual stay in the near. This place is awful. I tried the Tiki burger pizza, the waitress warned me noone ever finished it. She was right. So, I stole the tiki sign ashtray. Virani.

Le Tiki Le Tiki Le Tiki Le Tiki Le Tiki Le Tiki Le Tiki

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