tikieurope.com - ALOHA BAR - Moskow - Russia - Anything and everything about Tiki Bars in Europe
Type: Neo Tiki Bars Architect: Dmitriy Sokolov and Maksim Lesovik Built: September 9th 2013 Address: http://www.alohabar.ru/ City: Moskow T: http://www.alohabar.ru/ www.alohabar.ru/ Russian info@alohabar.ru Specials: The Aloha menu gives you an opportunity to travel everywhere you wish, from the Thailand coasts to the continental South America. And various types of soup, Hawaiian sandwiches, refreshments, meat dishes, fish and other seafood will perfectly accompany the feast of cocktails and rum.
And now, a few words about cocktails: the most important things about them is that Dmitriy Sokolov still sticks to a tested formula of "a well-priced drink in the hub of the city". And well-priced drinks here include classic tropical cocktails such as Daiquiri and Piņa Colada as well as Sokolov's trademark mixed drinks, for example, Royal Hawaiian with vanilla rum, coconut puree and grapefruit liqueur, or Pink Scorpion Bowl based on gold rum, brandy, orange liqueur and cranberry syrup. A couple of such "royal Hawaiian" drinks - and you will undoubtedly hear the roar of the surf even in the busy city center.
At last, a tropical paradise has been found in Moscow! Peace and harmony of an exotic island and Hawaiian spirit await you in a true Hawaiian bar. Sounds of waterfall, surf boards parked at the walls, laid-up boat... All of it can be found at Aloha Bar, opened at Myasnitskaya Street by its creators, Dmitriy Sokolov and Maksim Lesovik. Aloha is a true tiki bar, completed with tranquil exotic design and royal range of rum from the Caribbean.
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